Friday, August 18, 2006


Here is all my stuff. No change in the way I organize is there?

This is the view from the door. I have to rearrange the furniture to get more space out of the room. I would like to thank William and Mary for providing me with my furniture arrangement degree. It's pretty basic, two twin beds, two small desks, a double closet/dresser thing, TV, and mini fridge.

Thats the bathroom... The shower head is connected to the sink and is just there on the right side. I get to watch my fat self while I shower in the mirror, HOT!



LOL. Your furniture degree? What about your train wreck degree?? HAHAH
Glad you made it safely there bro. Keep those pictures coming.

OH..and I wish I could watch myself shower in the mirror..mmm..spicy!

Mom said...

I think I see a closet in one of your pics. Any chance of using that?!

Great pics. can't wait to see more of the school, students and the area.


BRose said...

Jon, I'm amazed they think a person can get in a sink! Are they a lot smaller there?

The kids say, "Hey!" and they saw your pictures and are a little concerned for you :)

We'll be praying for you! Eat some good Korean food for us!

The Rose family--
Uncle Rich, Aunt B., Ky, Maddie, Spencer, Sparky and Scooter

Gram said...


I'm over at Beth's and she helped me log on to your website.

I had sent you an email earlier this evening, but it was great to see the pictures on Beth's computer of where you are living and to get the information about how you arrived and what you are doing now.

We will plan to keep in touch with you and continue praying for you.
You did not mention Laura in your comments, by the way. I'm wondering what she is doing as well. Are her living quarters as small as yours? I hope not because girl's need more space. I love you and will keep in touch.

Much love, Gram

Ann said...

Hello! Dad and I just were looking at your pics. I didn't know you had this until now...dumb, I ya!