Friday, September 29, 2006


Heebie might be building a new monster machine... Gotta take the Korean CS:S community by storm. More news to follow... with specs!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Music Videos

Some pretty cool news. My friend got this email:
"I am very impressed with your music video using "This is Your Life" as the music. I am speaking to a Christian campus group at the University of Evansville in a couple of weeks and would like to use your video. The topic of the talk is about living a life of purpose. I had planned on using the song but after seeing your video, it really amplifies the message of the song. Would you grant me permission to show your video?"

See the video here:

My friends and I made this video in 3 days with zero budget during a break at school.

On a side note... 1 week off in 2 days!!!

Sunday, September 03, 2006


Well... I cant sleep at night, my roommate snores like its a chainsaw in the woods so I have requested my own room. The only kicker is that I have to pay double what I was paying to share a room... Kind of jacked up since I only need another room so I can actually function. I suppose thats life though.